Monday, July 30, 2007

Wyoming- you only need one pancake

Lots to say and very little time to say it. Let's give this a shot.

Wyoming > Badlands. Biking through Bighorn Mountain and coming down the otherside through Ten Sleep Canyon was probably the most beautiful natural thing I've ever seen in my entire life. The whole of Wyoming outshone the wonder of South Dakota a million times. And Wyoming hasn't tried to kill us yet. South Dakota, get your act together.

I forgot to mention my horrible bike failure. The bike I am using was outfitted with an ancient wheel/hub technology, the Malliard Heilo-chromatic. Annnd the shop we tried to stop at and get it fixed didn't like us at all. So I ended up buying a new wheel. Even though the old one isn't rideable, I shipped it home anyway. At this point in time, I am poor. Yeehaw.

On that note, mother, father, I love you both very much.

We're about 40 miles outside of Yellowstone National Park, and Grizzly Bears. Mmm, bears. We'll skin a few and go to jail for it. Actually, I'm not sure which I'm scared of more- the federal penitentiary system or a grizzly bear.

Ahhhh, and now the beautiful french girl behind me has asked to use the computer. Choices choices.

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